Friday, January 1, 2010

My Prayer for the New Year

Dear Lord, as I close the door on this old year,
I ponder on the things I've done...
on the things I've said and the joys I've had...
then I wonder, have I lost or won?

I've thought of the new friends I have made,
and of the old ones staunch and true...
the path of the old year was made easier Lord,
because I have walked it with You.

I think of all the many times,
when my burdens were so heavy to bear,
and how my faith slipped away from me...
but somehow You were always standing there.

Now as I open the door to this New Year,
and carefully peep inside,
I wonder what it holds for me...
but I'll throw the door open wide

And whatever it brings to me and mine,
I'll meet it with a heart so true...
I know that, Lord whate'er it may be
You'll be there to carry me through.

My personal growth word for 2010 is...
...Deuterononmy 31:6
As we enter into this New Year and begin again lets embrace all that God has for us lets have courage to do more, accomplish more and love more this year then we have ever done before. Let's challenge ourselves to partner with God in every area of our lives and let Him have complete control so we can become what He in all His wisdom created us to be and touch the lives that He ordained us to touch. He has so many wonderful things for each of us but becasuse we do not allow Him to be Lord of every area of our lives we miss out on blessing and relationships that He has prepared for alll those He lovesw.

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